st. mark’s mission
The Mission of St. Mark's Church is to embrace diversity, practice hospitality, and make known Christ's presence in word and deed.
St. Mark's welcomes and affirms exactly who you are
Lutheran Worship
is About...
Being in the company of God, who comes and finds us in the water of baptism and the bread and cup of the Eucharist.
Lutheran worship varies widely from church to church. At St. Mark's, worship is a transcendent experience. Our bodies and minds are engaged in worship as we hear gorgeous music, take in the beauty of the sanctuary, catch the scent of incense rising to God, and join our voices to sing together.
Part of being Lutheran is remembering that we don't have to earn God's love -- God offers love freely! Every Sunday we remember that we are free and forgiven people.
Architecture at St. Mark’s
St. Mark's Lutheran Church was designed in the style of early Christian architecture known as Romanesque.
Our church is recognized as an outstanding example of this architecture, which is always distinguished by exceptionally heavy walls, round-arched windows and doors, short and heavy columns and heavy capitals surmounting the columns.
The whole effect is one of massiveness, firmness and solidity -- symbolizing the firmness and permanency of the Church and of the Gospel of her Lord